Bryan Leister

2010 | Bryan Leister


installation at Republic Plaza Denver 3 by Bryan Leister | variable dimensions | 3D printed nylon - projection - code - pencil on paper - sensors | in transit
installation at Republic Plaza Denver 2 by Bryan Leister | variable dimensions | 3D printed nylon - projection - code - pencil on paper - sensors | in transit
installation at Republic Plaza Denver by Bryan Leister | variable dimensions | 3D printed nylon - projection - code - pencil on paper - sensors | in transit
installation grand rapids museum of contemporary art by Bryan Leister | variable dimensions | 3D printed nylon - projection - code - pencil on paper - sensors | in transit
drawing by Bryan Leister | variable dimensions | 3D printed nylon - projection - code - pencil on paper - sensors | in transit
3d printed sculptures by Bryan Leister | variable dimensions | 3D printed nylon - projection - code - pencil on paper - sensors | in transit
urchin by Bryan Leister | silverpoint on paper | 11 inches  X 11 inches
form.10 by Bryan Leister | 40 inches  X 40 inches  | giclee print on paper mounted to aluminum | exolith series
form.09 by Bryan Leister | 40 inches  X 40 inches  | giclee print on paper mounted to aluminum | exolith series
form.08 by Bryan Leister | 40 inches  X 40 inches  | giclee print on paper mounted to aluminum | exolith series
form.07 by Bryan Leister | 40 inches  X 40 inches  | giclee print on paper mounted to aluminum | exolith series
form.05 by Bryan Leister | 40 inches  X 40 inches  | giclee print on paper mounted to aluminum | exolith series
form.04 by Bryan Leister | 40 inches  X 40 inches  | giclee print on paper mounted to aluminum | exolith series
form.03 by Bryan Leister | 40 inches  X 40 inches  | giclee print on paper mounted to aluminum | exolith series
form.02 by Bryan Leister | 40 inches  X 40 inches  | giclee print on paper mounted to aluminum | exolith series
form.01 by Bryan Leister | 40 inches  X 40 inches  | giclee print on paper mounted to aluminum | exolith series
© 2023 Bryan Leister